Support us through a donation
How do you help when you support our projects?
Already with a small contribution you can help. Something small for us makes a world of difference in Uganda.
Take a look and see where you can make a difference. Know that from a donation of 40€ you can get a tax certificate from us.
On this page you can sponsor through Payconiq. If you don't have Payconiq, please visit our webshop where you can check out via bank transfer or Bancontact.
How can you support our projects?
- Scan the Payconiq code of the project you want to support, that way we know which project is close to your heart.
- Then determine the amount, choose a tax certificate and fill in your details (multiple donations from the same year will be added up).
- Don't have a Payconiq? Then just go to the webshop, make your choice there and check out.
Please note not to combine purchases of baby items or goodies with a donation in one shopping cart.
Combined orders/payments are not accepted by FOD finance as donations and will not receive a tax certificate.
If you want to donate and also buy something from the webshop, place two orders and pay them separately !!!
Thank you in advance for your support.

Sponsor a teacher or sewing machine
With your support of our Skills4Change project, we can pay the salary of our wonderful teacher and provide a sewing machine for the students.
What impact will your donation have?
- € 50 is enough to compensate a teacher for 2 weeks.
Real cost of the gift after tax deduction € 27.5 - € 100 is enough to purchase a Singer sewing machine with table.
Real cost of the donation after tax reduction € 55

Sponsor a pack LaikiPads
Many girls in Uganda do not attend school when they have their periods. We developed reusable sanitary pads for them that are made by our seamstresses in Kampala. By supporting this project we can donate packages of LaikiPads to vulnerable women & students and generate work for our graduates of the Skills4Change project.
Tax certificate possible from €40.
What impact will your donation have?
- €40 is enough to make 4 packages of LaikiPads and pay the seamstresses. This will allow 4 girls to continue going to school during their menstrual period.
Real cost of the gift after tax deduction € 22

Sponsor a waterfilter
20 Million people do not have access to potable water. With your support to our Purify4Change project, we are providing water filters to vulnerable families and schools in Kampala, Uganda.
What impact will your donation have ?
- €50 is enough for 2 Purifaaya Regular water filters. This will give 2 families of up to 5 people access to potable water.
Real cost of the gift after tax deduction € 27.5 - € 85 is sufficient for a Purifaaya XL water filter. This will give a class of 50 students access to potable water.
Real cost of donation after tax deduction € 46.75

Sponsor a nurse
With support from HelpingNet, together with our local partner, Einstein Rising, we are organizing responsible-parenting sessions in schools and communities in and around Kampala. Supporting our Plan4Change project allows us to hire a nurse on a weekly basis for these sessions.
What impact will your donation have?
- €50 is sufficient to cover a nurse's salary and their transportation for two weeks.
Real cost of the donation after tax reduction € 27.5 - € 100 is enough to cover one month's salary for a nurse and their transport.
Real cost of the gift after tax reduction € 55